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Symrise AG unveils innovation and technology centre SPark in Singapore
Wednesday, 31 May, 2017, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
Symrise AG, the global leader in flavours and fragrances, unveiled the SPark, a eight-storey state-of-the-art Asia-Pacific Innovation and Technology Centre, which marks the completion of phase one in the company’s S$50 million innovation-centric expansion of its regional headquarters in Singapore.

The SPark was officially opened by Heinz-Jürgen Bertram, chief executive officer, Symrise AG, in the presence of Chan Ih Ming, director, consumer businesses, Singapore Economic Development Board, and Michael Witter, Germany’s ambassador to Singapore (who were the guests of honour), as well as partners, customers and guests from 13 countries around the region, including China, India and Indonesia.

Its enhanced research and innovation facilities will help boost local food manufacturing capabilities and contribute to Singapore‘s vision of becoming Asia’s regional food and nutrition hub.

“Asia is fast becoming a key global source of influence and inspiration for innovative food products, with major business, lifestyle, technology, health and nutrition centres like Singapore at the heart of this megatrend,“ said Bertram.

“With Singapore being the foundation of our Asian growth story, I believe the new research and innovation facilities will ignite greater collaboration, connectivity and creativity among industry stakeholders to further develop local and regional food research and manufacturing industry capabilities,” he added.

State-of-the-art facilities for discovering Asia-centric sensory and consumer insights

Designed in accordance with Symrise’s global research and development (R&D) strategy, the new Asia-Pacific Innovation and Technology Centre will focus on connecting megatrends, consumer needs, customer requirements, sustainability, innovation and cost efficiency.

Innovative facilities, including new laboratories designed for a wide range of uses, from flavour creation and application to food science and research, have been designed to help industry players discover Asia-centric sensory and consumer insights.

One such facility has been customised for focus group testing by utilising one-way mirrors and the latest audio and visual recording equipment to discover Asia-centric sensory and consumer insights.

In addition to commercial kitchens for food preparation and presentation, the centre features a demonstration kitchen complete with video observation, recording and presentation facilities.

Customers, chefs, and consumers would be able to participate in interactive cooking demonstrations or experiment with different applications of raw ingredients.

Local and regional companies will be able to leverage the centre’s research and technology capabilities to discover new flavours compounds and co-create natural and sustainable products that meet the preferences and cultural requirements of Asian consumers.

The intention is to evolve industry expertise within Symrise Asia Pacific to enable the creation of new food technologies for Singapore and regional customers.

With the launch of the new centre, Symrise Asia Pacific will now be able to offer the same advanced capabilities as its global headquarters in Germany, helping to accelerate the development of innovative products for Singapore food manufacturers looking to expand across the region.

“The establishment of Symrise’s Asia-Pacific Innovation and Technology Centre will help to drive co-innovation with brand owners in Singapore and the region,” said Thien Kwee Eng, assistant managing director, Singapore Economic Development Board.

“We look forward to partnering with Symrise to further deepen its innovation presence in Singapore, which will in turn strengthen Singapore’s position as Asia’s leading food and nutrition hub,” she added.

Pioneering new research and technology development in Asia
All of the research developed by the new centre will be applied to the general development of new technologies and research methods, food flavours innovation for Asian customers and to support key global innovation-driven projects.

To support future industry growth, Symrise with partner with local tertiary institutions to support curriculum skills development and also drive employee training in essential areas like flavour creation and flavour application.

“Recognising that Asian consumer tastes are the future drivers of the global flavour industry, I am pleased to announce that Symrise will be the first major firm to base its global sensory and consumer insight function and teams in Asia,” said Lionel Flutto, president, flavour, Asia Pacific, Symrise.

“This emphasises both, our commitment to Asia, and forming the foundation of our future innovations’ research, technology and development,” he added.
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