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Nestlé, Mars & Total to develop chemical recycling industry in France
Tuesday, 17 December, 2019, 08 : 00 AM [IST]
As part of Citeo’s call for projects to promote eco-design, recycling and recovery projects for plastic and paper in France, leading international energy company Total, plastic recycling technology provider Recycling Technologies and global brands Nestlé and Mars today joined forces to develop an innovative industrial chemical recycling industry in France.

The first-of-a-kind consortium of world-leading players from across the plastic packaging value chain will examine the technical and economic feasibility of recycling complex plastic waste, such as small, flexible and multi-layered food-grade packaging. These products are currently considered non-recyclable and are, therefore, either incinerated or disposed of in landfills.

“This ambitious project meets Citeo’s goal of finding end-to-end solutions for all packaging. New recycling technologies, such as chemical recycling, will take performance to the next level and accelerate the circular economy for post-consumer plastic waste, especially when it is complex,” said Jean Hornain, chief executive officer, Citeo.

“Our initiative will be a key driver to deliver short- and medium-term solutions,” he added.

“By addressing the circular economy challenges of food-grade plastics, chemical recycling is a perfect addition to our existing mechanical recycling activities,” stated Bernard Pinatel, president, refining and chemicals, Total.

“The project announced today to develop an industrial sector involving major players in the packaging value chain is an important step in our ambition to produce 30 per cent recycled polymers by 2030,” he added.

“We are delighted to be the technology provider for this project,” said Elena Parisi, sales and marketing director, Recycling Technologies.

“This cross-sector partnership is a great example of the industry working together to bring about the changes necessary to make plastic sustainable. We must carve out a clear pathway that others in the value chain will follow to boost plastic recycling capacity in France and elsewhere,” she added.

“We are delighted to join this cross-value-chain consortium to help identify the right system to recycle flexible plastic packaging,” said Kate Wylie, global vice-president, sustainability, Mars.

“In line with Mars’s Circular Packaging Plan including the goal for 100 per cent plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or compostable packaging by 2025, we plan to reduce unnecessary packaging, redesign for circularity and invest to close the loop,” she added.

“Identifying and investing in the right waste management systems is a critical part of the solution to address the plastic waste problem,” Wylie said.

“We support this new pyrolysis project in France to help identify circular systems for post-consumer plastic packaging and consequently increase the scale of recycling across Europe,” she added.

“We are aiming for 100 per cent of our packaging to be reusable or recyclable by 2025. Combining our expertise in a collective project to improve recycling is something we need to do to tackle the global plastic issue,” said Claudine Rosiers, head, corporate packaging, Nestlé France.
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