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Implementation of National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) platform
Friday, 27 December, 2024, 12 : 00 PM [IST]
Our Bureau, New Delhi
Government is implementing National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) scheme wherein online trading of Agriculture and Horticulture commodities is done for transparent price discovery for farmers for their produce through competitive online bidding system.
As on October 31, 2024, 1389 mandis of 23 States and four Union Territories have been integrated with e-NAM platform.
So far, 1.78 crore farmers, 2.62 lakhs traders and more than 4250 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) are registered on e-NAM. The agricultural produce trades with a value of Rs 3.79 lakh crore have been recorded on e-NAM platform.
It is a demand-driven scheme, the integration of mandis under the e-NAM platform is based on proposals received from State Governments/Union Territories, reflecting their demand and readiness. Mandis are integrated into the platform upon fulfilling the necessary infrastructure and technical requirements as per the e-NAM operational guidelines.